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Make the changes of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency price audible, using
widely available live pricing information.
Recent Intraday BTC Price Progression
[ click the play-arrow to start the loop ]
Bitcoin U$D price is being polled via Bitfinex websocket,
and then scaled to match a value range that is suitable to control
the playback-rate (PBR) of an audio loop, therefore reflected as changes in pitch.
Increasing pitch equals increase of Bitcoin value and a potential gain of wealth.
Descending pitch equals decrease of Bitcoin value and subsequently loss of money. Transcending treshold values will result in a wrap to high pitch while stepping down
or a wrap to a low pitch if stepping up.
Update4: Due to the previously unexpected range of values,
i had to adjust the math and segmenting of value ranges. Also the soundfile was renewed,
so the overall behaviour might be different.
Update3: The PBR value was always one change late, which is now fixed.
Sound- and number-changes now actually correlate.
Update2: PBR Calculation corrected to avoid stalling playback.
Update: Due to the limited pitch range of 0.5 to 3
supported by most browsers and to ensure better audibility of the changes, the price is now
segmented into ranges, resulting in a wrap of pitch value at respective tresholds.